Mummi krus 0,3L Mummipappa grå. Mummipappa klargjør huset for vinteren, slik at familien holder seg varm under vinterdvalen. Vinduene isoleres med planker og vedlageret fylles opp. Det gjør at kulden stenges ute og varmen holder seg i huset.
Arabia is one of Finland's best known and most highly regarded brands. For over 140 years, Arabia has held a strong position in Finnish homes.
Arabia is a pioneer of Finnish design and its designs express beauty, quality and practicality. Since 1873, Arabia has mirrored the times, with a commitment to strong, consumer-oriented design. Arabia's key competences consist of design and long-term brand development; the objective is to ensure that the brand has a strong position in tableware. Arabia's tableware brings people together to enjoy good food and good company.